
Showing posts from May, 2004
Agenda for Play Production for week of May 24th Monday, May 24th: Clean up and organize costume shop! Tuesday, May 25th: We do not meet. Wednesday, May 26th: Finish cleaning up and organizing costume shop. Thursday, May 27th: Finish cleaning up and organizing costume shop. Friday, May 28th: Discuss possible shows for next year. “Some Like It Hot!” watch video.
9th Grade Honors Agenda for May 24th Monday, May 24th: Regular Schedule. Polish final draft of script and rehearse rewritten scenes for Romeo and Juliet. Your character analysis essay is due today! Tuesday, May 25th: We do not meet today. Wednesday, May 26th: Period 5: Brief rehearsal then presentation of scenes. Thursday, May 27th: Period 3: Brief rehearsal then presentation of scenes. Period 5: Final wrap up of rewritten scenes. Review of figurative language for test. Friday, May 28th: Period 3: Review of figurative language for test. You will have your figurative language test on Tuesday, June 1st. Period 5: Figurative Language test on Friday, May 28th. You must be finished with your outside reading book by Tuesday, June 1st. We will begin work on the literary analysis on Tuesday in Period 5. We will begin work on the literary analysis on Wednesday, June 2nd in Period 3.
Contemporary Composition for Week of May 24th Monday, May 24th: Regular schedule. Read Native Son and do reading log. Go over elements of persuasive essay. Tuesday, May 25th: Class will meet from 2:22 to 3:25. Unit 4 Vocabulary will be due today. Go over in class and collect. Read Native Son. Go over reading log. Do the “hand”. Assign outside reading for Native Son. Wednesday, May 26th: We do not meet. Thursday, May 27th: We do not meet. Friday, May 28th: English Workshop, pages 201 - 204, Exercises 3 and 4, "Nominative, Objective and Possessive Pronouns”, go over in class and collect. Finish up Native Son. If we do not finish reading Native Son today, then over the weekend outside reading will be assigned. Persuasive essay will be assigned. Due on Friday, June 4th. You must be finished with your outside reading book by Tuesday, June 1st. Unit 4 Vocabulary test will be on Tuesday, June 1st.
AP Schedule for the Week of May 24th Monday, May 24th: Regular schedule. Finish reading Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. Read handout on Kafka’s life. Assign creative wriiting: “You have just awaken to discover that you have turned into a giant ______________. Write a one to two page short story about your reaction and your family’s reaction to your “metamorphosis” ala Kafka. Due Friday, May 28th. Go over Unit 14 Vocabulary. Final turn in date for your “reflective essay on a disappointment”. Tuesday, May 25th: Meet from 7:40 to 8:09 for homeroom. Read The Stranger. Assign outside reading for The Stranger. Meet from 1:13 to 2:16 for 1st Period. Unit 14 Vocabulary test Read Albert Camus’ The Stranger. Assign outside reading for The Stranger. Wednesday, May 26th: Meet from 7:40 to 8:09 for homeroom. Read Albert Camus’ The Stranger. Assign outside reading for The Stranger. Thursday, May 27th: Meet from 7:40 to 8:09 for homeroom. Read Albert Camus’ The Stranger. Assign outside reading for ...
May 17th Class schedule for Play Production Monday, May 17th: REST! Take your personal costumes and props home. Tuesday, May 18th: Clean up detail and wrap-up on GYPSY: outstanding props, costumes, money owed. For those of you not involved in dance or "H20", then you will begin work on individual projects. You may choose a scene or scenes, and either act or direct it (or them). You may write your own scene or write a scene with a collaborator. You must start working on some project which will result in a culminating grade for this class. Please have your projecct idea ready for approval by Wednesday, May 19th. ALL SCHOOL FAIR FUNDRAISING CREW: Please meet so we can raise some more money for GYPSY. Wednesday, May 19th: ALL SCHOOL FAIR FUNDRAISING CREW MEETING! I will meet with individual actors or groups in project meetings. Thursday, May 20th: Work on ALL SCHOOL FAIR FUNDRAISING CREWS! Friday, May 21st: ALL SCHOOL FAIR! Let’...
NINTH GRADE HONORS CLASS SCHEDULE FOR MAY 17TH Monday, May 17th: 3rd Period: Rewrite essays on Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre. 5th Period: Take Act V test. Tuesday, May 18th: Break into groups and rewrite your scenes. Wednesday, May 19th: Break into groups and rewrite your scenes. Begin rehearsing your scenes. Thursday, May 20th: Rehearse your scenes. Firday, May 21th: Perform your scenes! COMING UP: THE KILLER FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE TEST ON ROMEO AND JULIET NEXT WEEK! WE WILL START WORKING ON YOUR LITERARY ANALYSIS OF YOUR OUTSIDE READING BOOK NEXT WEEK (MAY 24TH)! PLEASE START BRINGING YOUR VOCABULARY AND ENGISH WORKSHOP BOOKS TO CLASS NEXT WEEK (MAY 24TH)! (AND YOU THOUGHT I FORGOT ABOUT THEM - NEVER!)
CONTEMPORARY COMPOSITION FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 17TH Monday, May 17th: Read Native Son Tuesday, May 18th: Do diction handout for journal entry. Read and discuss Native Son Reading logs for Native Son Questions for Native Son Wednesday, May 19th: Please bring your vocabulary book to class. We will go over Unit 4; it will be due on Tuesday, May 25th. Continue reading Native Son. Reading logs for Native Son. Begin discussion on persuasive essay. Topic to be discussed. Thursday, May 20th: Journal topic: Using ten of your vocabulary words, make up a short story. Continue reading Native Son, discussion, and reading logs. Go over elements of persuasive essay. Friday, May 21st: Journal topic: Using ten of your vocabulary words, make up a short story. Please bring your English Workshop. We will go over pages 201 - 204, pronoun case and nominative case. Exercises 2 and 3 on pages 203 - 204 will be due on Wednesday, May 26th. Read and discuss Native Son. Discuss elements of persuasive essay. YOU N...
AP Class Syllabus for week of May 17th Monday, May 17th: Write a reflective essay on a disappointment that you have sustained. Tuesday, May 18th: Go over Vocabulary Unit 14. Will be due on Wednesday, May 19th. Brief introduction to Franz Kafka. Begin reading Metamorphosis. Wednesday, May 19th: Continue reading Metamorphosis. Go over Unit 14 homework. Thursday, May 20th: Assignment: Write a short story in which the character turns into a nonhuman creature or object. The object or creature expresses the internal state of the main character. Friday, May 21st: Unit 14 Vocabulary test. Brief discussion of Camus and existentialism. Begin reading Albert Camusâ?? The Stranger.
HOME STRETCH FOR GYPSY Week of May 10th Monday, May 10th: 6th Period: Costumes. Clean-up time! Work on selected scenes and problem areas: costumes, etc. 7th Period: Begin cue to cue, technical rehearsal with actors, costumes and props. 9:00 pm: Dismissal after clothes are hung up and actor is checked off. **************************************************************************************************** Tuesday, May 11th: 6th Period: Work on selected scenes. 7th Period: Run-through with musicians 9:00 pm: Dismissal after clothes are hung up and actor is checked off. **************************************************************************************************** Wednesday, May 12th: 6th Period: Work on selected scenes. 7th Period: Full dress rehearsal. 9:00 pm: Dismissal after clothes are hung up and actor is checked off. **************************************************************************************************** Thursday, May 13th: 4th Period: Get into make-up and costume...
9th Grade Syllabus for Week of May 10th Monday, May 10th: Read Romeo and Juliet, Act V, Sc. lll; discussion; reading logs. Work on Act V Vocabulary and Literature packet. Tuesday, May 11th: Shortened day Work on Act V Vocabulary and Literature packet. Test over Act V. Wednesday, May 12th: Break into groups and begin working on rewrites of selected scenes. Thursday, May 13th: Break into your groups and work on rewriting selected scenes. Friday, May 14th: Begin presentation of scenes. Must have scenes typed and turned into me.
CONTEMPORARY COMPOSITION WEEK OF MAY 10TH Monday, May 10th: “In the Desert”; poem by Stephen Hart Read Native Son plus reading logs Tuesday, May 11th: Go over English Workshop, pages 178, part A, “Identifying Subordinate Clauses.” Assign part B, due Friday, May 14th. Read Native Son plus reading logs. Wednesday, May 12th: Go over vocabulary units 1 - 3 review. Read Native Son plus reading logs. Thursday, May 13th: Read Native Son plus reading logs. Friday, May 14th: “The Hand” Read Native Son plus reading logs. Go over Part B in English Workshop, pages 179, part B.
AP ENGLISH LITERATURE WEEK OF MAY 10TH Monday, May 10th: Read The Seagull Discussion Tuesday, May 11th: Shortened Day Read The Seagull Discussion Wednesday, May12th: Read and finish up The Seagull Discussion Assign Vocabulary Unit 14. Due Wednesday, May 19th. Thursday, May 13th: Discussion and begin reading Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Discussion of AP test results. Friday, May 14th: Discussion and read Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Finish reading over the weekend.
REHEARSAL SCHEDULE FOR GYPSY WEEK OF MAY 3RD MONDAY, MAY 3RD: 6TH PERIOD: Costumes inventoried; costume contracts passed out; costume parade. Work on programs. When we are finished with costumes we will begin run-through and/or work on selected scenes. Dismissal time is at 5 pm today. **************************************************************************************************** TUESDAY, MAY 4TH: SHORTENED DAY: WE WILL STAY UNTIL 7 PM TODAY. Today will be clean up day. We will begin working with all the props and costumes that we have. We will begin the run-through at 2pm WITH TECH! If we are brilliant, we will then begin a second run-through. If not, then we will work on selected scenes, then begin another run-through and see how far we get until 7pm. At any rate, be prepared to stay until 7pm tonight. Please make plans for transportation and food. (You might want to pack a second lunch or light snack for your dinner.) **************************...
MAY 3RD SCHEDULE FOR 9TH GRADE MAGNET HONORS ENGLISH MONDAY, May 3rd: Read Act lV, Sc. 3, 4, and 5. Reading logs. Discussion. Work on Act lV packets. TUESDAY, May 4th: Shortened Day When we finish reading Act lV and the packets, we will have a test over Act lV. Three paragraph essay will be assigned on FORESHADOWING. Due on Friday, May 14th. WEDNESDAY, May 5th: Read Act V. Discussion. Reading logs. Work on Comprehension, Vocabulary and Literary Devices packets. THURSDAY, May 6th: Minimum Day; Open House Read Act V. Discussion. Reading logs. Friday, May 7th: Read Act V. Work on Comprehension, Vocabulary and Literary Devices packets. When we finish Act V we will have a test over it. Your three-paragraph essay over FORESHADOWING is due today. You will be assigned another essay on Friday over one of the characters in ROMEO and JULIET. This essay will be due on Friday, May 14th. Next week we will divide into groups and rewrite and perform selected scenes from ROMEO and JULIET. On MO...
MAY 3RD SCHEDULE FOR CONTEMPORARY COMP MONDAY, May 3rd: Work on final draft of paper on Capital Punishment. Turn in ENGLISH WORKSHOP homework, "Gerund Phrases", pages 159 - 160. TUESDAY, May 4th: Minimum Day Final draft of paper on Capital Punishment along with rough draft is due. Go over the first 200 pages of NATIVE SON and NATIVE SON questions. WEDNESDAY, May 5th: Go over Review Units 1 - 3 in Vocabulary Book; due May12th. Read NATIVE SON Do reading logs THURSDAY, May 6th: Minimum Day; Open House Review pages 177-178 in ENGLISH WORKSHOP, "Sentence Structure"; Assign ENGLISH WORKSHOP homework, "Identifying Independent and Subordinate Clauses", pages 179-180. Due Monday, May 10th. Read NATIVE SON and reading logs. FRIDAY, May 7th: Read NATIVE SON Do reading logs. Discussion
AP SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF MAY 3, 2004 Monday, May 3rd: Multiple Choice questions over Emily Dickinson poem. Timed 40-minute essay over selected literary excerpt. Your “A Modest Proposal” essay is due! Tuesday, May 4th: Shortened Day! Multiple Choice questions over selected literary excerpt Review varying ways to begin sentences. Review strategies for the AP Exam Begin discussing Anton Chekhov’s THE SEAGULL Wednesday, May 5th: Multiple Choice questions over selected literary excerpt. Timed 40-minute essay over selected literary excerpt. Thursday, May 6th: Minimum Day: Open House AP EXAM TODAY! GO TO #502 AT 7:30 AM. GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY! I KNOW YOU WILL DO WELL! JUST BREATHE DEEP! FOCUS! REMEMBER WHAT WE HAVE GONE OVER! AND WRITE! Friday, May 7th: Discussion of exam. Discuss and read THE SEAGULL. Finish over the weekend. Discussion of Anton Chekhov and the Moscow Art Theatre