
Showing posts from September, 2004
9TH GRADE HONORS ENGLISH WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 27TH: Monday, September 27th: !st Period: Journal: Do you believe that minors (people under the age of 18) who have been charged with serious and heinous crimes should be tried as adults? Why or why not? Go over English Workshop; pages 161 - 162; exercise 1; “Independent and Subordinate Clauses”. Begin work on “Persuasive Essay”on “Land Mine Bans”. Read arguments for and arguments against the land mine bans. Work on your own short construction response. 6th Period: Test on “Most Dangerous Game” and Plot Construction Tuesday, September 28th: Continue working on “Persuasive Essay” Read student essay: “Save the Children” “Art of Argument”: Reasons and Evidence English Workshop grammar homework due; pages 161 - 162; exercise 1. Wednesday, September 29th: I won’t be in class today. (Yeah!) However, I WILL be on campus for staff development and I WILL l be checking up on you, so be good! First period...
ACTING CLASS Week of September 27th: Monday, September 27th: Sense and Emotion Memory Exercises, Vocal Exercises. Sonnet 18 Work with individual students. Tuesday, September 28th: Shortened day! Sense and Emotion Memory Exercises. Begin Presentation of Monologues: Dejong Cockrell Alisa Alayan Wednesday, September 29th: I am not going to be here today so you get to work on your individual scenes. Thursday, September 30th: Sense and Emotion Memory Exercises. Presentation of Monologues: Dominique McCoy Grace MacMillan Sierra Makepeace Friday, October 1st: Sense and Emotion Memory Excercises. Presentation of Monologues: Zoila Bonilla Leslie Flores Britney Escobedo As soon as you present your monologue, you will be given yet another monologue to work on, but this time, it will be published. HAVE FUN! BE FEARLESS!
AP ENGLISH LITERATURE Week of September 27th: Monday, September 27th: First group: Harlem Renaissance Jacqueline Whatley Taqueta Haywood Unit Two Vocabulary due. Read “The Problem of the Other” handout. Tuesday, September 28th: Shortened day! Second Group: Epic, Tragedy, Foreshadowing Neyla Ramirez Eric Hagel Collect exercise 4 on page 34 in Warriner’s grammar book. Go over in class. Continue reading “The Problem of the Other” Wednesday, September 29th: I will not be here today. I have a staff development I have to go to sooooo......the third group will do theirs on Thursday with the fourth group. Read and analyze James Joyce’s “The Dead” in class. Thursday, September 30th: Third Group: Rhyme, Point of View, Symbol, Symbolism, Myth Honeycell Medrano Marjorie Almazan Fourth Group: Understatement, Metonymy, Epithet Emily Oum Melisha Corbitt Go over the analysis of James Joyc...
AMERICAN LITERATURE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 27TH, 2004 Monday, September 27: Bring English Workshop Book. Go over pages 93 - 94; ex. 8 and 9. Due Tuesday, September 28th. Read poetry by Anne Bradstreet. Break into groups and analyze British passenger ship logs. Tuesday, September 28th: Shortened day! Assign Vocabulary, Unit 2; due on Monday, October 4th. Go over English Workshop Book; pages 93 - 94; “Combining by Coordination and Subordination”;ex. 8 and 9. Wednesday, September 29th: Watch “Amistad” Take notes comparing the difference between the slavery scenes depicted in the film “Amistad” and the scenes described in “The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano.” Thursday, September 29th: Write a short story using your vocabulary words. Short grammar handout on “comma splice”. Break into groups and do collaborative work on “The New World”, pages 41 - 45 in American Literature: An Integrated Study: a. “Corn: Builder of Cities” (pag...
********* ACTING CLASS WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 20TH: Monday, September 20th: Vocal exercises Sense and emotion memory exercises. Begin working individually with actors on their monologues. Tuesday, September 21st: Sense and emotion memory exercises. Continue working individually with actors on their monologues. If you are good, we will do improvs and theatre games ;-) Wednesday, September 22nd: Journal: Today is the first day of Autumn. Imagine that the seasons are people. What would they look like? How would they act? Sense and emotion memory exercises Memorization techniques. Continue working individually with actors on their monologues. Thursday, September 23rd: Shortened day: Open House from 6 to 8 pm. Sense and emotion memory exercises. Memorization techniques. Friday, September 24: Begin presenting the monologues!!! As soon as you finish your self-written monologue, you will be given - another - published monol...
********* AP ENGLISH WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 20TH: Monday, September 20th: Assign three literary terms to teams today. Begin reading OEDIPUS THE KING Tuesday, September 21st: Bring vocabulary book to class on Tuesday; we will go over Unit Two, which will be due on Friday, September 24th. Continue reading OEDIPUS THE KING Wednesday, September 22nd: Begin presentation of literary terms: one team per day. First up: Team #1! Continue reading OEDIPUS THE KING. Thursday, September 23rd: Shortened day: Open House from 6 to 8 pm. Read “The Problem of the Other." Continue reading OEDIPUS THE KING. Friday, September 24th: Presentation of literary terms: second team! Vocabulary Unit 2 is due! Continue reading and discussing OEDIPUS THE KING. ********
*********** AMERICAN LITERATURE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 20TH: Monday, September 20th: Your narrative and descriptive essay based on “The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano” is due! For homework, work on the grammar sheet handout given to you on Friday: comparatives, superlatives and adjectives, etc. Tuesday, September 21st: Your Vocabulary Unit 2 is due today! Read “The Life of Mary Jemison” in the anthology text book. Wednesday, September 22nd: Journal: Today is the first full day of autumn. Imagine that the seasons are people and write a description of each season. For example, if Autumn were a woman, what would she look like? How would she act? Poetry of Phyllis Wheatley and Anne Bradstreet An analysis of Bradstreet’s poetry from a feminist point of view. An excerpt from a travel journal from an early American woman. Thursday, September 23rd: Shortened day: Open House 6 to 8 pm. Unit Two Vocabulary Test Friday, September 24th: ...
9th Grade Honors Class Week of September 20th: Monday, September 20th: Go to the library for orientation. Tuesday, September 21: Vocabulary Journal: Write a short story using ten of your vocabulary words Work on “Most Dangerous Game” handouts: Vocabulary, suspense, adjectives, etc. Go over plot construction of “Most Dangerous Game.” Wednesday, September 22nd: Vocabulary Journal: Write a short story using ten of your vocabulary words. Short test on “Most Dangerous Game” Begin work on “Persuasive Essay Writing” Thursday, September, 23rd: Shortened day: Open House 6 pm - 8 pm Vocabulary test: pages 4 - 14. Continue working on “Persuasive Essay Writing” Friday, September 24th: Assign “Persuasive Essay” English Workshop: pages 162 - 163. Will be due Tuesday, September 28th.
NINTH GRADE SYLLABUS Week of September 13th: Monday, September 13th: Journal Go over grammar in English Workshop: Sentence Fragments; pages 64 - 65; exercise one. Break into groups and work on homework assignment. Begin reading “The Most Dangerous Game” ******** Tuesday, September 14th: Journal Go over homework assignment on sentence fragments. Read “The Most Dangerous Game” Vocabulary ******** Wednesday, September 15th: Journal Vocabulary: pages 8 - 14; will be due on Tuesday, September 21st. Read “The Most Dangerous Game” Go over plot structure ********* Thursday, September 16th: Journal: Work on Vocabulary Sound Study Test over “The Most Dangerous Game” ******** Friday, September 17th: Present Vocabulary Sound Study Begin reading “A Man Called Horse” ****************************************************************************************************************************** ...
Beginning Drama Week of September 13th: Monday, September 13th: Vocal, sense and emotion memory exercises. Work on Sonnet 18 Theatre games Pass out photos and pictures to students to choose a character. ******** Tuesday, September 14th: Vocal, sense and emotion memory exercises. Work on Sonnet 18 You will work on writing a two minute monologue based on the character you chose in the photo. ******** Wednesday, September 15th: As a class do “creating a character” exercises. Continue writing the monologue. ******** Thursday, September 16th: Creating a character exercises. Work with individuals on their monologues. ******** Friday, September 17th: Theatre games. Work with individuals on their monologues. Begin presentations next week.
11th Grade American Literature Week of September 13th Monday, September 13th: Journal: Poetry Excerpt and Use of Imagery Read: “Before They Got Thick” from Literature: An Integrated Study. Written response: write a response on a first meeting told from another's perspective. Read: “The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano” English Workshop: Sentence Fragments; pages; exercises; Due Wednesday, September 15th. Tuesday, September 14th: Journal: Poetry Excerpt and Use of Imagery Continue reading “The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano” Brief film clip of “Amistad.” Sensory detail essay on “The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano” Prompt: Write a descriptive/narrative essay told from the viewpoint of a slave on board a slave ship. THE ESSAY WILL BE DUE ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH. Wednesday, September 15th: Break into groups and present the grammar homework to the class. Vocabulary Unit Two assigned: Will be d...
WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13TH AP ENGLISH LITERATURE Monday, September 13th: Discussion of essay on HANDMAID’S TALE: Body of essay Conclusion Break into groups and begin working on Aristotle’s POETICS. Tuesday, September 14th: Essay on HANDMAID’S TALE is due at beginning of class. Continue working on Aristotle’s POETICS Wednesday, September 15th: Unit One Vocabulary test Begin presentation of Aristotle’s Poetics Thursday, September 16h: Continue presentations of Aristotle’s Poetics Pass out literary terms and assign terms to teams to present to class. Friday, September 17th: Begin reading Sophocles’ OEDIPUS THE KING We may work in some multiple choice questions over a Shakespearean sonnet and some excerpts and writing exercises over figurative language.
Acting Class Week of September 7th: Tuesday, September 7th: Warm-ups: Vocal, Physical, Sense and Emotion Memory exercises. Continue doing the entrance exercise. Continue doing the "One-Minute Portrait" exercise. Wednesday, September 8th: Warm-ups: Vocal, Physical, Sense and Emotion Memory exercises. Finish up the "One-Minute Portrait" exercise. Theatre Games in #503 if available. Thursday, September 9th: Warm-ups William Shakespeare's Sonnet 18. Theatre Games. Photos will be passed out and students will create characters from the people in the photos. Friday, September 10th: Journal: Describe the person you have chosen from the photos. Who is this person? Create a brief biographical background about this character. Sonnet 18 Warm-ups Theatre Games. Work on creating characters from the photos.
American Literature Week of September 7th: Tuesday, September 7th: Your outside novel is due today. Please start reading it now and remember to keep a reading log on it. Journal: Using ten of your vocabulary words write a short story. Do pre-work in preparation for essay over CAT'S EYE; this will include free-writes, brainstorming, graphic organizers. Write an essay about a situation similar to the one in Margaret Atwood's Cat's Eye. The narrative essay should be approximately 1 and a half page minimum and written in first person. This essay will be due on Thursday, September 9th. Wednesday, September 8th: Journal: Break into groups and create sound studies of five of your vocabulary words. Vocabulary Unit One homework is due today. Begin reading Toni Morrison's THE BLUEST EYE. Thursday, September 9th: Essay over CAT'S EYE is due. Journal: Break into groups and present sound studies using five of your vocabulary words fr...
Ninth Grade Honors: Tuesday, September 7th: Journal: Vocabulary improv! Must have outside reading book by Tuesday, September 7th! Break into groups and rewrite "The Sniper" from the different perspectives of the characters. You must have a completed script by Thursday. Wednesday, September 8th: Journal: Break into groups and create sound studies of five words from your vocabulary words on pages 4 and 5. Continue working on "The Sniper". Thursday, September 9th: Short vocabulary test over words on pages 4 and 5 in Vocabulary for the High School Student. Present the rewritten scenes of "The Sniper". The script must also be presented to the teacher on Thursday. Friday, September 10th: Complete presentation of "The Sniper" rewrites. Please bring English Workshop book to class. Class collaboration on sentence fragments. Be sure to read your outside novel and keep a reading log!
Week of September 5th: AP ENGLISH: Tuesday, September 7th: Voice Lessons: Imagery exercise. Continue work on close reading of Margaret Atwood"s The Handmaid's Tale Wednesday, September 8th: Vocabulary, Unit One due. Don't forget to write out synonyms and antonyms! Multiple choice questions over The Handmaid's Tale. Thursday: September 9th: Essay assignment over The Handmaid's Tale. The prompt is: Examine Margaret Atwood's use of imagery and figurative language in the excerpt from The Handmaid's Tale. This will be due on Tuesday, September 14th. Friday, September 10th: Begin Aristotle's Poetics Class discussion and collaborative learning.
CLASS CONTRACT FOR DRAMA SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 In order that this class may be as productive, beneficial and enjoyable for everyone, and to ensure that I receive a good grade, I agree to do the following: I will not interrupt the teacher when s/he is working with another student. I will wait patiently until there is a suitable break before speaking to the teacher. I will not walk in front of anyone who is performing on stage but will wait until s/he is finished working before entering the room. I will not interrupt class time with personal problems or personal needs (such as going to the restroom). I will take care of those personal needs before I come to class or after class. I will come to class everyday with my scripts, a pen, my notebook, and a respectful and an open and positive manner. I will not yell out or make comments during another actor's performance because then it becomes "all about me" and not about the other performer. I will memoriz...
NINTH GRADE CLASS REQUIREMENTS Fall Semester TEXTBOOKS: ELEMENTS OF LITERATURE VOCABULARY FOR HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH WORKSHOP During the course of this semester, we will read short stories, poetry, essays and The Odyssey. As part of the requirements of this class the student will be required to do the following: I. Independent reading in a novel (a work of fiction) of her/his choice; however, the novel must be approved by the teacher. The novel must be at least 200 pages and be of high literary quality. The student must keep a reading log which will be explained later. Near the end of October, the student will turn in a three to four page literary analysis, the specifics of which will be explained in greater detail. 2. The student will also be required to keep a separate notebook for English. (Be sure to get a small, light weight notebook - your notebook is going to get heavy!) Most importa...
AMERICAN LITERATURE FALL SEMESTER REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: LITERATURE AND INTEGRATED STUDIES VOCABULARY WORKSHOP: LEVEL E THE BLUEST EYE ENGLISH WORKSHOP During the course of this semester, we will read American short stories, essays, poetry and plays which we will explore from a literary and historical context. We will also write analytical essays based both on the class reading and outside reading. The purpose of the class is to improve reading and writing skills, to expand vocabulary, and to improve analytical and creative responses to literature. As part of the requirements of this class, the student will be required to do the following: 1. Independent reading in a novel of her/his choice; however, the novel (a work of fiction) must be by an American author of recognized literary merit, must be at least 200 pages in length and must be approved by the teacher. The student must keep a reading log of her/his outside reading which will be explained in greater detail by the ...
Fall Semester AP English Literature Hello scholars! I hope you have had a wonderful and restful vacation and are ready to get to back to work. The books we will be using are: 1. Vocabulary Workshop Level F 2. Warriner's Grammar Book 3. British Literature Anthology In addition to the above books, we will be using excerpts from Voice Lessons, Sound and Sense, and Philosophy and Literature, and AP English Literature. We will start off this semester with Sophocle's The Oedipal Cycle, with additional background readings in Plato and Aristotle. We will cover the following books in class by the end of the semester: 1. Excerpts from Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales 2. Excerpts from Beowulf 3. Dante's Inferno 4. Hamlet 5. A Restoration comedy 6. Crime and Punishment In addition to the above books, we will also be reading and analyzing, and of course, writing about poetry, essays, short stories and excerpts by writers around the world...
AP ENGLISH LITERATURE SYLLABUS FOR WEEK OF APRIL 19, 2004 Monday: Discuss ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT AP Literature multiple choice excerpt from AP Literature Book Tuesday: ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT essay due Read â??A Modest Proposalâ?? Discussion on Jonathan Swiftâ??s rhetorical devices Wednesday: Go over homework in ENGLISH WORKSHOP, pages 225 - 226. â??Weak Referencesâ??, go over and collect homework. Assign in ENGLISH WORKSHOP, â??Gerundsâ??, pages 165 - 166, due Friday, April 23rd. Discussion of â??A Modest Proposalâ??; essay assigned using rhetorical devices, due Monday, April 27th. Thursday: 40 minute timed essay on â??It is Bitter and It is My Heartâ??. AP Literature multiple choice excerpt. Friday: Go over homework in ENGISH WORKSHOP, pages 165 - 166, â??Gerundsâ??, go over and collect homework. Begin reading Anton Chekhovâ??s THE SEAGULL.