
Showing posts from April, 2004
9th Grade Syllabus for Week of April 26th Monday: Act lll Test and work on Act lll Vocabulary packet and Adjective Clause Handouts. Tuesday: Read and act out Act lV of Romeo and Juliet. We will also work on our reading logs. Wednesday: We will work on our Act lV Vocabulary and Grammar Packets. Go over in class. Read and act out Act lV. We will also work on our reading logs. When we finish Act lV we will have a test over the act. Thursday: Act lV test. We will begin reading the last act (hurrah!) of Romeo and Juliet. Friday: Read Act V of Romeo and Juliet. We will also work on our reading logs for Act V. Work on Act V Vocabulary and Grammar packets for Romeo and Juliet.
GYPSY REHEARSAL SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF APRIL 26TH MONDAY: 6TH PERIOD: Mr. Sacks will provide accompaniment for musical numbers. Run-through of 2nd Act numbers and !st Act numbers if time permits. 7th Period: Ms. Goldschein will work with on “Tulsa” scene. Mr. Itkin will work on run-through. Ms. Bridges will go to Shelley’s DanceWear for Strippers’ leotards and tights, and thrift shops for shoes, socks, and suspenders for“Newsboys”. Ms. Bridges will call “Norcostco” for Miss Electra’s costume. Program Crew will work on programs. Graphic Arts Crew (posters, etc.) will continue working on posters and billboards. Fundraising crew will work on fundraising. Costume crew will continue looking for and categorizing costumes. **************************************************************************************************** TUESDAY: Ms. Bridges will go to Sony Studios with Rebecca Diaz, Janine Curry, and Anastasia Thomas for costumes. 6th Period: Mr. Itkin will conduct run-through of entire play...
Contemporary Composition April 26th Monday: Unit 3 Vocabulary test Questions over weekend reading: Native Son; pages 135 to 150. Questions: 1. Who is Bessie? Describe Bessie using five adjectives. 2. What does Bessie want Bigger to tell her? 3. How does Bigger feel about murdering Mary? What does it mean,"He has murdered and created a new life for himself. It was something that was all his...." For tonight read up to page 160 in Native Son. Begin work on argument essay over capital punishment. Pass out articles regarding pro and con on capital punishment. Tuesday: Go over homework in ENGLISH WORKSHOP, pages 177 - 178, Sentence Structure. Due today! Go over format for argument essay. Read Native Son. Reading logs. Wednesday: Assign English Workshop; pages 159 - 160; Gerund Phrases; due Friday, April 30th. Go over format for argument essay. Read Native Son. Reading logs. Thursday: Unit 1 - 3 Vocabulary Review...
SYLLABUS FOR AP ENGLISH LITERATURE for the week of April 26th Monday: Class will read Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”. Discussion of rhetorical devices used by Swift. Assignment of individual essay on one’s own “modest proposal”. Due Monday, May 3rd. Go over homework for Friday, April 23rd: “Gerunds” in English Workshop; pages 167 - 168. Assign “Sentence Structure” in English Workhop; pages_______. Due Wednesday, April 28th. Tuesday: Go over John Keats’ and Robert Frosts’ poetry in compare and contrast 40 minute timed essay. Go over “In the Desert” poem in 40 minute timed essay. Wednesday: Go over “Sentence Structure” homework in English Workshop; pages____________. Begin Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull. Discussion of Moscow Art Theatre. Thursday: 40 minute timed essay. Multiple choice questions. Friday: Possible 40 minute timed essay. Discussion of The Seagull.
APRIL 19Th SCHEDULE FOR 9TH GRADE HONORS Monday: Read Act lll of ROMEO AND JULIET. Work on reading log for ROMEO AND JULIET. Act lll Vocabulary handouts. Go over essay format. Grammar problems. **************************************************************************************************** Tuesday: Essay on light/dark and light/heavy metaphors due today. Read Act lll for ROMEO AND JULIET. Work on reading log for ROMEO AND JULIET. Act out scenes. **************************************************************************************************** Wednesday: When we finish Act lll we will have a test. Pass back rough drafts of essays for you to rewrite for higher grades. **************************************************************************************************** Thursday: Read Act Vl of ROMEO AND JULIET. Work on reading log for ROMEO AND JULIET. Act Vl Vocabulary handouts for ROMEO AND JULIET. Act out scenes. *******************************************************************...
APRIL 19TH SCHEDULE FOR CONTEMPORARY COMPOSITION Monday: Go over Unit 3, Vocabulary. Go over weekend reading of NATIVE SON, up to page 83. Read NATIVE SON. Work on reading logs. Go over argument essay format. Will be due on Wednesday, April 28th. Tuesday: Journal: Write a short story using 10 of your vocabulary words. Go over pro and con articles on capital punishment. Discussion of research. Read NATIVE SON. Work on reading logs. Wednesday: Journal: Write a short story using 10 of your vocabulary words. ENGLISH WORKSHOP homework: “Sentence Structure”, pages 177 - 178, due Friday, April 23rd. Go over format of footnoting. Read NATIVE SON. Work on reading logs. Thursday: Unit Three Vocabulary test. Read NATIVE SON. Work on reading logs. Friday: Go and collect ENGLISH WORKSHOP homework: “Sentence Structure”, pages 177 - 178. Go over essay format, research, footnoting, and reference. Read NATIVE SON. Assign weekend reading.
WEEKLY SCHEDULE FOR GYPSY APRIL 19TH Monday: 6th Period: Mr. Sacks will work with everyone on music. 7th Period: Mr. Itkin will be conducting run-throughs of available scenes. Ms. Goldschein will work with Tulsa, Newsboys, and Hollywood Blondes. Ms. Bridges will work with crews on costumes, props, fundraising and programs. Costume Crew will fax costume lists to Valentino’s and to Norcostco. Costume Crew will photograph actors in costumes, and list actors’ names with costume pieces. Prop crew will disseminate prop list to cast and crew of still missing props. Prop crew will contact selected prop houses. Program crew will assemble compiled pieces of program; type up inside page of program; compile list of “thank you’s” and administration list for program. Fundraising crew will discuss new fundraising strategies. Ms. Bridges will go to “Studio Wardrobe” and Shelley’s DanceWear. *************************************************************************************************** Tuesday: 6th...
AP ENGLISH LITERATURE SYLLABUS FOR WEEK OF APRIL 19, 2004 Monday: Discuss ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT AP Literature multiple choice excerpt from AP Literature Book Tuesday: ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT essay due Read “A Modest Proposal” Discussion on Jonathan Swift’s rhetorical devices Wednesday: Go over homework in ENGLISH WORKSHOP, pages 225 - 226. “Weak References”, go over and collect homework. Assign in ENGLISH WORKSHOP, “Gerunds”, pages 165 - 166, due Friday, April 23rd. Discussion of “A Modest Proposal”; essay assigned using rhetorical devices, due Monday, April 27th. Thursday: 40 minute timed essay on “It is Bitter and It is My Heart”. AP Literature multiple choice excerpt. Friday: Go over homework in ENGISH WORKSHOP, pages 165 - 166, “Gerunds”, go over and collect homework. Begin reading Anton Chekhov’s THE SEAGULL.
Essay prompt for ROMEO AND JULIET. Due Tuesday, April 20th: Write a three to five paragraph essay in which you explore the use of figurative language expressing lightness/darkness and lightness/heaviness. Contrast Romeo's attitude as revealed by language (what he says and what others say about him) before he meets Juliet and how his language changes after meeting Juliet.
Essay Questions for ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT 1. In the novel ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT, Remarque presents nature in its many moods, both beautiful and horrific, and he uses nature for many purposes, to show both the horror of human destructiveness (also a part of nature) and the aching beauty of unchanging nature. Discuss Remarque’s use of nature, when and how he describes it, and to what purpose he uses nature throughout the course of the novel. Be sure to give examples from the book. 2. This World War l novel is a powerful story of male bonding. Using examples from the book show how Remarque develops his ideas of male friendship through the hardship of battle. 3. Examine the role women play in ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT. When do women come into the story? How often do they enter into the story and in what capacity? Giving examples from the story, detail two or three female characters and the roles they play in the novel. What role(s) do they play in relationship wi...
GYPSY SCHEDULE FOR APRIL 12TH Monday: 6th Period: Costume, props and fundraising crew meetings. Begin run-through of 2nd Act. Mr. Sacks will provide accompaniment. Ms. Bridges will work with Newsboys, Farmboys, Hollywood Blondes. 7th Period: Continue working on run-through. Ms. Goldschein will work with Farmboys, Newsboys. **************************************************************************************************** Tuesday: Shortened Day! BUT WE WILL STAY UNTIL 5 PM! 6th Period: Costume, props and fundraising crew meetings. Mr. Itkin will work on Herbie scenes. Ms. Bridges will work with Strippers, Hollywood Blondes, Pastey, Cigar, Rene, Photographer, Dad. 7th Period: Complete run-through of both acts until 5 pm. Ms. Goldschein will work with selected dancers in Tulsa scene, Newsboys, Farmboys, Hollywood Blondes, Strippers, Show girls. Ms. Bridges will go to Valentino’s for costumes. *********************************************************************************************...
9th Grade Syllabus for Week of April 12th Monday: Write in class thou final draft of essay on conflict in Rome and Juliet. Turneth in at end of class. Tuesday: Read Act ll of Romeo and Juliet. Reading log: summary, clarification, figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification, allusion) Wednesday: Go over Act ll vocabulary and grammar packet for Romeo and Juliet. Read Act ll of Romeo and Juliet. Reading log: summary, clarification, figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification, allusion, foreshadowing, irony.) Thursday: Review for Act ll test. Test over Act ll. Go o’er the test in class. Friday: Essay: Discuss Shakespeare’s metaphorical use of light and dark in the play Romeo and Juliet. Beginneth reading Act lll of Romeo and Juliet.
11th Grade Contemporary Composition Schedule for the week of April 12th Monday: Journal: What are you afraid of? Read Native Son, up to page 39. Reading log: summary, clarification, prediction. Tuesday: Bring English Workshop book, gerunds, pages 157 - 158. Due Thursday, April 15th. Read Native Son Reading log: summary, emotional response, prediction. Wednesday: Bring Vocabulary book. Go over Unit Three vocabulary: due Monday, April 19th. Read Native Son Reading log: summary, emotional response, prediction. Thursday: Bring English Workshop, go over gerunds homework, pages 157 - 158. Read Native Son Reading log: summary, “The Palm”. Friday: Journal: Are you in support of the death penalty? Why or why not? Handouts on the death penalty. Discussion. This is in preparation for argumentative essay on race and capital punishment. Read Native Son. For homework you will be assigned about ...
AP SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF APRIL 12TH - 16TH Monday: Go over poetry handout over snakes and metaphors. Read WW l poetry of Wilfred Owens: “Dulce et Decorum Est” “Arms and the Boy” “Anthem for Doomed Youth” “Disabled” Read poetry of Rupert Brooke and Siegfried Sassoon Discuss background of World War l Discussion of ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT Collect essay for A DOLL’S HOUSE Tuesday: Continue discussing ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT Continue reading WWl poetry English Workshop, pages 123 - 124, "Ambiguous References, do in class today (assigned last week). Peer editing of first two paragraphs of "Pit Viper". Wednesday: Conclude discussion on ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT Assign essay for ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT Do preparation work for forty minute timed Compare and Contrast essay on two poems: John Keats’ “Bright Star” and Robert Frost’s “Choose Something...
9th Grade Syllabus for Week of April 5th Monday: 1. Break into groups. 2. Direct scenes in Act 1, Scene 5 3. Perform scenes before class. 4. Review for ROMEO and JULIET test: a. Vocabulary b. Comprehension c. Iambic Pentameter Tuesday: 1. Act One Test on ROMEO and JULIET. 2. Go over test in class. 3. Go over three to five paragraph essay on conflict in play. Wednesday: 1. Begin reading Act Two in ROMEO and JULIET. 2. Reading logs and analysis of figurative language. 3. Act out the “balcony scene.” 4. Go over three to five paragraph essay format on conflict. 5. Bring English Workshop book, pages 131-132, exercises 10 & 11. Due Thursday. Thursday: 1. Go over homework from English Workshop book, pages 131 - 132. 2. Assign pages 133 - 134, exercises 12 - 13 in English Workshop. Due Friday, April 9th. 3. Continue reading Act Two in ROMEO and JULIET 4. Reading logs and analysis of figurative language. 5. Continue working on thre...
AP SYLLABUS FOR WEEK OF APRIL 5TH Monday: Brief discussion on Madame Bovary essays. Revisit “T-graph” and “Venn Diagrams” Revisit essay format re: Madame Bovary and forthcoming essay on poetry. Go over “SOAP” for “It’s a Woman’s World” and analyze tone, figurative language. Discussion on A DOLL’S HOUSE and its plot, characters, and social and theatrical significance. Tuesday: Go over page 174 on Independent/Subordinate Clauses in English Workshop homework. Collect. Unit 13 Vocabulary Test. 20 minutes only will be allotted for the test. Discussion of A DOLL’S HOUSE and its themes, symbols and motifs. Essay for A DOLL’S HOUSE will be assigned. The essay will be due on Monday, April 12th. Go over essay format, opening thesis statements and paragraphs, and concluding paragraphs for timed test tomorrow on “It’s a Woman’s World.” Wednesday: Timed 40 minute test on “It’s a Woman’s World” starting at 8 am. Discussion on poem and essay. Thursday: Bring English Workshop. Pages 215 - 216, exerc...
Schedule for GYPSY April 5th - 9th Monday: 6th Period: Crews will briefly meet for reports. Mr. Itkin will work on “The Goodbye Scene” with Herbie, Rose, Louise, Tessie; Ms. Bridges and Mr. Sacks will alternate working with Farmboys, Newsboys, Strippers, Showgirls, Hollywood Blondes. 7th Period: Mr. Itkin and Ms. Bridges will work on scenes 4 and 5 with Louise, Rose, Pastey, Cigar, Rene, and Couchon-Bergeron. We will also work on blocking the Tulsa dance scene with Tulsa, Louise, Yonkers. Ms. Goldschein will work with Farmboys, Newsboys, Strippers until 4:30. Everyone will meet in the auditorium for sign-out. *************************************************************************************************** Tuesday: 6th Period: Crews will briefly meet for reports. We will begin run-throughs. If you are not being used, go to Mr. Sacks for singing. 7th Period: Ms. Goldschein will work with Tulsa and Enissa, and Newsboys if there is time. Ms. Bridges will work with Newsboys, Farmboys,...
11th Contemporary Composition Class For Monday, April 5th: 1. Journal Entry: Use ten of your vocabulary words in original short story. 2. Read “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”. 3. Begin reading “How It Feels to Be the Colored Me”. For Tuesday, April 6th: 1. Share your poems based on “Mother to Son”. 2. Vocabulary Unit Two due. Collect and go over. 3. Finish “How It Feels to Be the Colored Me” A. What is the theme of Hurston’s short story? B. Explain the metaphor of the different races. C. What is the tone of the essay? 4. Write a paragraph expressing “How It Feels to Be the _____Me” For Wednesday, April 7th: 1. Journal Entry: Use ten of your vocabulary words in original short story. 2. Go over “Verbals” homework: pages 153-154; exercises 5 & 6. 3. Assign participals in English Workshop; pages : due Thursday, April 8th. 4. Begin THEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD (with reading logs.) For Thursda...